Down-Home Charm Photo Album Songbank Fan-Fiction History Books Fan Art Miscellania Links

Tue., August 20, 2002

New Fan-Fiction:

• "The Cast of Shadows" (Ch. 1-8) by LadyLyte (X-Men: Evolution)
• "Hot Pursuit" by LadyLyte (X-Men: Evolution)
• "Reflections" by Tilman Stieve (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)
• "Running to Catch Up" by LadyLyte (X-Men: Evolution)
• "Something About the Rooftops" by Katt Solano ("Prodigals" series)
• "Stolen Lives" by LadyLyte (X-Men: Evolution)
• "Val and Ray at the Movies: March 2002" by Tilman Stieve (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)
• "Val and Ray at the Movies: July 2002" by Tilman Stieve (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)

Sun., August 11, 2002

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Extrinsic Evolution" by Scorpio (ADULT)
• "Fallen Skies" Ch. 11 by RogueStar
• "For My Daughter" by RogueStar
• "Free for a Second" Ch. 14 by Vicki Lew
• "Higher Learning" by Katt Solano ("Prodigals" series)
• "Home Nursing" by RogueStar ("Sim Salem Project" series)
• "A Matter of Pryde" Ch. 8 by RogueStar
• "A Prize for Three Empires" Ch. 26-28 by DarkMark
• "Snapshot" (Ch. 10) by RogueStar and Alexis

Sun., June 9, 2002

New Fan Artwork:

Eckart Breitschuh / Tales of the Twilight Menshevik (2)
Haggi / ToTM (2)
Till Lenecke / ToTM (1)
Mathias Dinter / ToTM (1)
Saskia (3)
Schwarwel / ToTM (1)
Stefan Dinter / ToTM (1)
Wittek / ToTM (1)
Timo Wuerz / ToTM (1)

Thu., June 6, 2002

I know. I'm super-behind. Updates to serialized stories today. New fics up with the next update.

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Before the Plunge" by Tilman Stieve
• "Between the Winds" (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik) by Tilman Stieve
• "A Matter of Pryde" (Ch. 7) by RogueStar
• "A Prize for Three Empires" (Ch. 22-25) by DarkMark
• "Seals of Power" (Ch. 7) by KazeRogue and Michi-Chan
• "Snapshot" (Ch. 9) by RogueStar and Alexis
• "A Test of Power" (Ch. 9) by DR

Sat., February 9, 2002

X-Page of the Day - Feb. 2, 2002

Down-Home Charm was named "X-Page of the Day" (and one of its siblings, Stars & Garters also featured) on February 2 over at the X-Page Hotlist. Woohoo!

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Falling in Love Again" by Dyce
• "Falling in Love for the First Time" by Dyce
• "Free for a Second" (Ch. 13) by Vicki Lew
• "Happy Anniversary" by RogueStar (Luc/SimSalem series)
• "Kinship" (Ch. 15) by Elena Zovatto
• "Legacy" by Freeverse
• "A Matter of Pryde" (Ch. 6) by RogueStar
• "The Raven and the Oriole" by Tilman Stieve(Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)
• "Seals of Power" (Ch. 6) by KazeRogue and Michi-Chan
• "Snapshot" (Ch. 1-8) by RogueStar and Alexis
• "Sonnet for Magnus" by Tilman Stieve (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)
• "The Sword and the Rose" (Ch. 6) by RogueStar
• "Test of Power" (Ch. 8) by DR
• "To My Dark-Haired Lady" by Tilman Stieve (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)
• "Trish - A Rapture" by Tilman Stieve (Tales of the Twilight Menshevik)

New Fan-Art:

Eckart Breitschuh (2)
Stefan Dinter (1)
Glockgal (1)
Nicole Goff (1)
Timo Wuerz (1)

Wed., November 7, 2001

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Ah Don't Feel Sexy" by Elizabeth Wilde
• "Happy Families: Teabag Trauma" by Dyce
• "The Highwayman" by Katt Solano
• "Indian Summer" by RogueStar
• "Jazz" by RogueStar
• "A Matter of Pryde" (Ch. 5) by RogueStar
• "Miss American Pie" by RogueStar
• "A Prize for Three Empires" (Ch. 21) by DarkMark
• "Prodigals" by Katt Solano
- "The Fatted Calf"
- "Contemplations on an Empty Closet"
- "Winter Days in Westchester"
- "Lost and Found Department: First Floor"
• "Sim Salem: Gotta Learn Them All" by RogueStar
• "TOTM: Strange Headfellows" by Tilman Stieve
• "The Queen and the Hunter" by RogueStar
• "The Sphinx's Question" by RogueStar

New Fan Artwork:

Eckart Breitschuh (2)
Stefan Dinter (1)

Mon., August 13, 2001

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Free for a Second" (Ch. 12) by Vicki Lew

New Fan Artwork:

Klaus Scherwinski - TOTM (1)

Only one story to post today, although I have a number of submissions I need to wade through. My apologies to those to whom I've not responded in an unconscionable amount of time; I promise, you're on my list. On the back-end side of things, though, I believe I've resolved the problems I've been having with Netscape not displaying elements on this site correctly. Let me know if you notice anything out-of-sorts.

In unrelated news, I had the good fortune to meet the King of B-Movies himself, Bruce Campbell, at a book-signing this past weekend to promote his book, "If Chins Could Kill." I'll post a picture when I get it developed. He hosted an enthusiastic Q&A session with fans for about 45 minutes, then sat down to autograph copies of his book. The autograph line took forever (I was #225, and my turn didn't come for about 3 hours), but I was really impressed with how he made an effort to shake hands, say a few words, even take a picture, with everyone who came up to meet him. There's a man who knows how to connect with his fans.

Sat., August 4, 2001

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Free for a Second" (Ch. 11) by Vicki Lew
• "On the Beat" (Ch. 11) by KazeRogue and Cat Smith
• "A Place in this World" (Ch. 11-12) by Vicki Lew

New Fan Art:

Ryan Arya (1)
Nicole Goff (11)

Sat., July 7, 2001

As you can see, I've given the site a complete overhaul. Thanks go to John Watkins-Chow for the use of his artwork on the home page, and to the wonderful queenB for help with a nasty Netscape problem. What do you think of the new look? Good? Bad? Feedback me at

Wed., June 27, 2001

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Beat Me Out of Myself" by KazeRogue
• "Child of Death" (Prologue - Ch. 1) by KazeRogue
• "Gamble of Life" (Ch. 1-2) by KazeRogue
• "Out of Control" by KazeRogue
• "Quietly Falls the Snow" by KazeRogue
• "Seals of Power" (Ch. 1-5) by KazeRogue and Michi-Chan
• "The Sword and the Rose" (Ch. 5) by RogueStar
• "Wild Cards" (Ch. 26) by Elena Zovatto

New Fan Art:

Ryan Arya (3)
John Watkins-Chow (1)

I've also added a ton of songs to the Songbank. Thanks to all of those who contributed ideas and lyrics. I still have some in the hopper, so if the ones you submitted aren't up here, they'll be posted eventually, I promise!

I have tons more stories I need to look through -- and I apologize profusely to all those who have sent me submissions over the past few months and have yet to hear from me. I've been buried for, really, the last year, and have only begun to emerge.

Monday, May 14, 2001

New Fan-Fiction:

• "TOTM: Hang on to Your Ego" by Tilman Stieve

Monday, April 30, 2001

Important note: I'll be losing access to my ASU e-mail and web space account after graduation in May. If you have me listed in your address book or on your web site, make sure that you have my e-mail address as If you access this site via the redirect page on the ASU server, please change your bookmarks to, as that refer page won't be there for much longer.

New Fan-Fiction:

• "Ain't Nothin' Like Regret" by Latex
• "Fallen Skies" (Ch. 10) by RogueStar
• "Feel All Right" by Ascian
• "For Old Times' Sake" by Kassia
• "The Irresponsible One" by Ratmist
• "Mama's Fairytale" by Loki'sRose
• "A Matter of Pryde" (Ch. 4) by RogueStar
• "October Rust" by Cordelia LaMorte
• "On the Beat" (Ch. 6-10) by Kaze Rogue and Cat Smith
• "A Prize for Three Empires" (Ch. 20) by DarkMark
• "The Responsible One" by Ratmist
• "Thoughts" by Ratmist
• "A Test of Power" (Ch. 7) by DR
• "Watching" by Elizabeth Wilde

New Fan Art:

Ryan Arya (3)
Latex (1)
Skayda (3)
Tilman Stieve (2)

New Misc. piece:

• "Rogue's Hair" by Faith Barnett


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