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Alternate Realities

Stories by KazeRogue

"Beat Me Out of Myself"
Rogue fights against her biggest critic and worst foe -- herself.

"Child of Death"
A troubled street rat learns that he may be the key to overthrowing a despotic overlord. (Unfinished.)

"Gamble of Life"
Is reality fixed, or can it be replaced, changed? Is the future destined to happen or is it what we fight for? When life deals you your cards, do you play them without resistance, or do you dare to gamble...? (Unfinished.)

"On the Beat"
written with KazeRogue
Rogue is Detective Alexandra Thorne of the NYPD, on the trail of a mysterious jewel thief... (Unfinished.)

"Out of Control"
Still in an awkward post-breakup time, Rogue and Gambit have it out with each other.

"Quietly Falls the Snow"
Rogue races to find Gambit in the Antarctic cold, but it may be too late.

"Seals of Power"
written with Michi-Chan
When her father is killed by a highwayman and his band of thieves, a spunky young woman named Jacqueline vows revenge. (Unfinished.)


Mailing List: Cards and Gloves

Child of Death

A troubled street rat learns that he may be the key to overthrowing a despotic overlord.

(This story is unfinished.)


Chapter One


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